Frequently Asked Questions

At Just Tanning, we understand that choosing the right tanning experience is essential for achieving the perfect glow while prioritising your safety and well-being.

To assist you on your tanning journey, we've compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions to address any queries you may have. Whether you're a seasoned tanner or exploring the world of indoor tanning for the first time, our FAQ page is designed to provide clarity and guidance.

If you have additional questions or need personalized assistance, our knowledgeable staff is always ready to help. Discover the ins and outs of our sunbed tanning services and embark on a radiant tanning experience with confidence.

  • Sunbed tanning, also known as indoor tanning, involves using specially designed beds that emit ultraviolet (UV) light to simulate the sun's rays. This helps clients achieve a tan without direct exposure to natural sunlight.

  • Our sunbeds are equipped with the latest technology to ensure a controlled and safe tanning experience. We follow strict safety guidelines, and our staff is trained to monitor and assist clients during their sessions.

  • The frequency of sun bed use depends on several factors, including your skin type, tanning goals, and the type of sun bed you're using. Regular consultation with a tanning professional and practicing safe tanning habits are essential for a healthy tanning experience.

  • In the UK, the age limit for sun bed use is 18 years old. It is illegal for tanning salons to allow anyone under the age of 18 to use sun beds. We are required to verify the age of our customers and refuse service to those who are underage.

  • Tanning session durations vary, but a typical session can last anywhere from 2 to 15 minutes, depending on the type of bed and your skin type. Our staff will guide you on the recommended duration based on your tanning goals.

  • In general, a sun bed tan may last for about 1 to 2 weeks, but it can vary. Keep in mind that the goal should always be to maintain a healthy tan without overexposing your skin to UV radiation, which can lead to skin damage and other health risks. If you wish to prolong your tan, consider following a skincare routine that includes moisturizing and using products designed to extend the life of your tan.

  • The frequency of tanning depends on individual preferences and skin type. Generally, starting with a few sessions per week and then reducing to a maintenance schedule is recommended. Our staff can help create a personalised tanning plan for you.

  • We prioritise the health and comfort of our clients. If you have sensitive skin or any skin conditions, it's essential to inform our staff before your session. We can recommend a suitable tanning plan and provide advice on the best skincare products to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

  • Preparing for a tanning session is simple. Ensure your skin is clean and free from any lotions or oils that may create a barrier. Remove makeup and jewellery, and wear loose-fitting clothing.

  • The time to see tanning results varies from person to person. Some clients may notice a subtle tan after a few sessions, while others may take longer. Factors such as skin type, session duration, and the type of bed used all play a role. Our staff will work with you to establish realistic expectations and a personalised tanning plan for the best results.

  • If you experience sunburn during a session, it's crucial to stop tanning immediately. Applying aloe vera or a soothing after-sun lotion can help alleviate discomfort. Consult with our staff for guidance on when it's safe to resume tanning, and be sure to follow proper aftercare to promote healing and prevent further irritation.